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Stig Linander's Eclipse Home Page

Below you'll find links to descriptions of eclipses. But bear in mind, that no description, no photo, no video can match the real experience of a Total Solar Eclipse. You'll have to witness one yourself ...

Total Solar Eclipse 1999    Total solformørkelse 1999
Total Solar Eclipse 2001 Total solformørkelse 2001
Total Solar Eclipse 2002
Reports of the Total Solar Eclipse 2002
Eclipse in the Outback 2002 by Timo Karhula
Annular Solar Eclipse 2005
Reports of the Annular Solar Eclipse 2005
Total Solar Eclipse 2008 Total solformørkelse 2008
Total Solar Eclipse 2012 Total solformørkelse 2012

If you want to learn more about eclipses, there are many web sites containing more general information. These are just a few ...

NASA Eclipse Web Site
EclipseWise by Fred Espenak
MrEclipse.com by Fred Espenak
Eclipse Weather and Map Files by Jay Anderson
Eclipses.info - IAU (International Astronomical Union)

Stig Linander, created: 2004-02-18, last revised: 2016-10-06