Winter Birding in Madagascar, June 2001
The main reason for me travelling to
was the
total solar eclipse on June 21st.
The trip wasn't a birding trip, but six (out of 18) of our group were
birders, so we actually did some birding.
Madagascar is unique in that more than half of the breeding bird species
are endemics. But birds are scarce in Madagascar, only about 250 species
have been recorded and you can spend a full day without seeing any birds
but egrets and crows. Therefore, most birding trips concentrate on the
well-known reserves like Périnet and Berenty. But that's a pity
as Madagascar has much more to offer the naturalist. And we actually
found birds outside the reserves, especially some hotel gardens turned
out to be nice birding spots. But keep in mind, when you see the word
"common" on this page, it's relatively speaking.
Major sites visited
- Périnet Reserve (PE)
- Rain forest about 150 km east of capital Antananarivo. Famous for
the lemurs, especially the largest one, the teddy-bear-like Indri
(Indri indri). Also a good spot for chameleons.
- Hotel Des Thermes, Antsirabe (DT)
- Colonial style luxury in huge contrast to the surrounding Malagasy
- Isalo National Park (IS)
- Heavily eroded sandstone mountains in southern central Madagascar.
Many endemic species of plants.
- Hotel Chez Alain, Tulear (CA)
- At the west coast.
- Ifaty (IF)
- At the west coast some 25 km north of Tulear. Famous for the spiny
forest dominated by Didieria ("Octopus trees"). This
turned out to be the best birding site on our trip, mainly because
we had a full day and were able to do birding ourselves. We had 21
bird species on a 2 hours morning trip - our Madagascar record!
- Fort Dauphin (FD)
- The south-eastern point of Madagascar.
- Berenty Reserve (BE)
- Private owned reserve about 80 km west of Fort Dauphin. Famous for
the lemurs, especially the Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta)
and Verreaux's Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi). Also the large
Malagasy Flying Fox (Pteropus rufus) is fascinating - imagine
a bat with a wing span of more than one meter!
13/6 | Arrival Antananarivo (Tana) |
| 14/6 | Tana |
| 15/6 | Tana, Mandraka, Périnet (PE) |
| 16/6 | Andasibe, Périnet, Tana |
| 17/6 | Tana, Antsirabe (Hotel DT) |
| 18/6 | Antsirabe |
| 19/6 | Antsirabe, Ambositra, Fianarantsoa |
| 20/6 | Fianarantsoa, Ambalavao, Ranohira |
| 21/6 | Ranohira, Isalo National Park (IS), "Eclipse Hill" |
| 22/6 | Ranohira, Hakako, Tulear (Hotel CA) |
| 23/6 | Tulear |
| 24/6 | Tulear, Ifaty (IF) |
| 25/6 | Ifaty |
| 26/6 | Ifaty, Tulear, Fort Dauphin (FD) |
| 27/6 | Fort Dauphin |
| 28/6 | Fort Dauphin, Berenty (BE) |
| 29/6 | Berenty, Tana |
| 30/6 | Departure Tana |
Systematic list
English and Scientific names follow
Sinclair and Langrand: "Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands".
Birds seen/heard by others in our group but not seen/heard by me are
marked in yellow.
English name, Scientific name, Danish name - EM/ER (EM =
Endemic to Madagascar. ER = Endemic to the region, i.e. Madagascar, the
Seychelles, and the Comoro and Mascarene Islands) ...
- Dabchick (Little Grebe), Tachybaptus ruficollis, Lille Lappedykker
16/6: 1 PE
- Black Egret, Egretta ardesiaca, Skyggehejre
20/6: 3 south of Fianarantsoa
- Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea, Fiskehejre
15/6: 1 Tana-Mandraka
- Great White Egret, Casmerodius albus, Sølvhejre
Common, especially in rice fields. A few seen at long distances might have been Dimorphic Egret's, Egretta dimorpha, Mascarenerhejre
- Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis, Kohejre
Very common, especially in rice fields. E.g. 19/6: >100 Ambositra-Fianarantsoa
- Hamerkop, Scopus umbretta, Hammerhoved
15/6: 2 Tana-Mandraka, 18/6: 1 Antsirabe area, 21/6: 2 IS
- Yellow-billed Kite, Milvus aegyptius, Gulnæbbet Glente
17/6: 1 Tana-Antsirabe, 19/6: 1 Antsirabe-Ambositra, 19/6: 7 Ambositra-Fianarantsoa, 21/6: 3 IS, 22/6: common Hakako ("Sapphire Klondyke" west of Ranohira), 28/6: 2 FD-BE, 28/6: 3 BE, 29/6: 1 FD Airport.
- Madagascar Sparrowhawk, Accipiter madagascariensis, Madagaskarspurvehøg - EM
26/6: 1 IF

- Madagascar Buzzard, Buteo brachypterus, Madagaskarvåge - EM
14/6: 1 Tana, 15/6: 1 Mandraka, 20/6: 1 Fianarantsoa-Ambalavao, 25/6: 1 IF, 28/6: 2 FD-BE
- Madagascar Kestrel, Falco newtoni, Madagaskartårnfalk - ER
Common. 14/6: 3 Queen's Palace Tana, DT, IS, CA, IF, BE, etc.
- White-throated Rail, Dryolimnas cuvieri, Hvidstrubet Rikse - EM
16/6: 1 PE
- Common Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, Grønbenet Rørhøne
16/6: at least 3 PE
- Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, Stylteløber
24/6: Tulear-IF, 26/6: 3 IF-Tulear
- Three-banded Plover, Charadrius tricollaris, Trebåndet Præstekrave
3 IF
- Kelp Gull, Larus dominicanus
27/6: FD
- Madagascar Turtle Dove, Streptopelia picturata, Madagaskardue - ER
24/6: 1 IF, 25/6: 2 IF, 28/6: 2 BE
- Namaqua Dove, Oena capensis, Namaquadue
Very common around Tulear, IF, FD-BE
- Madagascar Green Pigeon, Treron australis, Madagaskarpapegøjedue - EM
25/6: 3 IF
- Greater Vasa Parrot, Coracopsis vasa, Stor Vasapapegøje - ER
28/6: 1 BE
- Lesser Vasa Parrot, Coracopsis nigra, Lille Vasapapegøje - ER
16/6: PE, 28/6: 1 BE
Vasa parrots were fairly common but most birds were identified to genus only
- Gray-headed Lovebird, Agapornis cana, Gråhovedet Dværgpapegøje - EM
22/6: 1 Zombitse Forest, 25/6: 7 IF
- Giant Coua, Coua gigas, Stor Silkegøg - EM
28/6: 2 BE
- Crested Coua, Coua cristata, Toppet Silkegøg - EM
Common IF, 28/6: 4 BE
- Blue Coua, Coua caerulea, Blå Silkegøg - EM
16/6: 1 PE.
- Madagascar Coucal, Centropus toulou, Madagaskarsporegøg - ER
Common IF
Photo: 25/6 IF

- White-browed Owl, Ninox superciliaris, Hvidbrynet Høgeugle - EM
28/6: heard BE
- Madagascar Nightjar, Caprimulgus madagascariensis, Madagaskarnatravn - ER
Common. Heard DT, Fianarantsoa, CA, IF, FD, BE. At least 3 seen DT, at least 2 seen IF
- African Palm Swift, Cypsiurus parvus, Afrikansk Palmesejler
15/6: 6 Mandraka, 21/6: 5 "Eclipse Hill" during the initial partial phase, 25/6: at least 3 IF
- Alpine Swift, Apus melba, Alpesejler
Abundant IF
- Madagascar Black Swift, Apus balstoni, Madagaskarsejler - ER
27/6: FD
- Madagascar Kingfisher, Corythornis vintsioides, Madagaskarisfugl - ER
1 IF, 28/6: 1 FD-BE
- Madagascar Bee-eater, Merops superciliosus, Madagaskarbiæder
15/6: 3 Mandraka, 16/6: 2 PE, 9 DT, 20/6: 1 Fianarantsoa, 22/6: 1 CA, 29/6: 1 BE-FD
- Madagascar Cuckoo-Roller, Leptosomus discolor, Gøgeellekrage - ER
28/6: 1 female BE
- Madagascar Hoopoe, Upupa marginata, Madagaskarhærfugl - EM
2 IF
- Madagascar Lark, Mirafra hova - EM
25/6: 2 IF
- Mascarene Martin, Phedina borbonica, Mascarenersvale
16/6: Andasibe, 17/6: Tana-Antsirabe, 19/6: 2 Ambositra-Fianarantsoa
- Madagascar Cuckoo Shrike, Coracina cinerea, Madagaskargråfugl - EM
15/6: 1 Mandraka.
- Crested Drongo, Dicrurus forficatus, Toppet Drongo - ER
Common. IF, FD-BE, etc.
Photo: 25/6 IF

- Pied Crow, Corvus albus, Broget Krage
Very common south of Antsirabe
- Common Jery, Neomixis tenella - EM
Common CA, IF, BE
- Madagascar Bulbul, Hypsipetes madagascariensis, Madagaskarsortbulbul - ER
Common. PE, IS, CA, IF, etc.
- Madagascar Magpie Robin, Copsychus albospecularis - EM
Common IF
- Common Stonechat, Saxicola torquata, Sortstrubet Bynkefugl
16/6: 1 PE, 17/6: 1 Tana-Antsirabe, 19/6: 1 Antsirabe-Ambositra
- Madagascar Cisticola, Cisticola cherina - ER
21/6: 2 IS, 25/6: 2 IF, 29/6: 1 FD Airport
- Madagascar Brush Warbler, Nesillas typica - ER
16/6: heard PE, 25/6: 1 IF - the latter might have been a Subdesert Brush Warbler, Nesillas lantzi - EM
- Common Newtonia, Newtonia brunneicauda - EM
25/6: 1 IF
- Madagascar Paradise Flycatcher, Terpsiphone mutata - ER
16/6: 2 PE, 28/6: at least 3 BE, 29/6: 1 BE-FD
- Madagascar Wagtail, Motacilla flaviventris, Madagaskarvipstjert - EM
Fairly common. 2 PE, 2 DT, 2 IS, etc.
- Hook-billed Vanga, Vanga curvirostris, Krognæbsvanga - EM
16/6: heard 1 seen PE, 25/6: 2 IF
- White-headed Vanga, Leptopterus viridis, Hvidhovedet Vanga - EM
25/6: 1 IF
- Chabert's Vanga, Leptopterus chabert - EM
Common IF
- Common Mynah, Acridotheres tristis, Almindelig Mynah
Common. DT, CA, IF, BE, etc.
- Souimanga Sunbird, Nectarinia souimanga, Souimangasolfugl - ER
16/6: PE, 21/6: 1 female IS, 22/6: 1 female CA, common IF
- Madagascar White-eye, Zosterops maderaspatanus, Madagaskarbrillefugl - ER
16/6: PE
- Madagascar Fody, Foudia madagascariensis, Madagaskarvæver - ER
IS, common IF. Possibly heard DT, CA
- Sakalava Weaver, Ploceus sakalava, Sakalavavæver - EM
Abundant IF
Text and photos:
Stig Linander,
created: 2001-07-25, last revised: 2012-09-24