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Fugleværnsfonden's Bird Sanctuaries

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Fugleværnsfonden (The Danish Bird Protection Foundation) is a fund under Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (The Danish Ornithological Society) with the purpose of establishing and preserving bird sanctuaries in Denmark. 26 sanctuaries totalling more than 1200 hectares are owned or managed by the fund. As the sanctuaries are established for the benefit of the birds, access to most of them is restricted. Watch the birds from public road or trail, or use the observation towers or hides built at some of the sanctuaries (marked with 'T').

Clickable map, 4K Gif 1. Nivå Bugt Strandenge 2. Vaserne 3. Gundsømagle Sø 4. Ravnstrup Sø 5. Ægholm 6. Nyord Enge 7. Barup Sø 8. Saksfjed-Hyllekrog 9. Nakskov Indrefjord 10. Gulstav Mose 11. Tryggelev-Nørreballe Nor 12. Roholm 13. Bøjden Nor 14. Søgård Mose 15. Bremsbøl Sø 16. Stormengene 17. Sølsted Mose 18. Stubbe Sø 19. Bøvling Klit 20. Agerø 21. Råbjerg Mose 22. Svartingedalen 23. Rusland 24. Karmark Engsø 25. Stoubæk Krat 26. Tindbæk Hestehave

  1. Nivå Bugt Strandenge
  2. Vaserne
  3. Gundsømagle Sø
  4. Ravnstrup Sø
  5. Ægholm
  6. Nyord Enge
  7. Barup Sø
  8. Saksfjed-Hyllekrog
  9. Nakskov Indrefjord
  10. Gulstav Mose
  11. Tryggelev-Nørreballe Nor
  12. Roholm
  13. Bøjden Nor
  14. Søgård Mose
  15. Bremsbøl Sø
  16. Stormengene
  17. Sølsted Mose
  18. Stubbe Sø
  19. Bøvling Klit
  20. Agerø
  21. Råbjerg Mose
  22. Svartingedalen
  23. Rusland
  24. Karmark Engsø
  25. Stoubæk Krat
  26. Tindbæk Hestehave

Nivå Bugt Strandenge T
Salt meadow and reeds in North Sjælland.
40 hectares. Managed since 2008.
Nivå Bugt coastal meadows. DOF
Nivå Bugt Strandenge. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations: Nivå Bugt Strandenge, The reserve. DOFbasen
Vaserne T T
Lake, alder bog, wood and scrub in North Sjælland.
14 hectares. Managed since 1999.
Vaserne is well-known for breeding Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor).
Vaserne. DOF
Vaserne. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Gundsømagle Sø T T
Lake, reeds, scrub, wood and meadow in North Sjælland.
82.2 hectares. Acquired 1984.
Specialities include breeding Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) and Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus).
Gundsømagle Lake. DOF
Gundsømagle Sø. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Ravnstrup Sø T T
Lake, reeds, marsh and wood on Southern Sjælland.
8.9 hectares. Acquired 1983.
Ravnstrup Lake. DOF
Ravnstrup Sø. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Islet north of Møn.
2.3 hectares. Acquired 1969.
No access.
Ægholm. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Nyord Enge T
Salt meadow and coastal reed bog at Møn.
204.8 hectares. Acquired 1971 - 2018.
During the migration seasons, the Nyord meadows support large numbers of waterfowl, shorebirds, and passerines. Many ducks and shorebirds breed at the Nyord meadows, including Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa).
The Nyord meadows. DOF
Nyord Enge. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Barup Sø T
Lake, alder bog, reeds, and scrub on Northern Falster.
26.5 hectares. Managed since 1988.
Barup Sø. DOF
Barup Sø. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Salt meadow, dunes, common fields, and deciduous forest on Southern Lolland.
217.4 hectares. Managed since 1995.
No access to the Hyllekrog tongue during the birds' breeding season from March 1st to July 15th.
Hyllekrog-Saksfjed. DOF
Saksfjed-Hyllekrog. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations: Hyllekrog, Saksfjed. DOFbasen
Nakskov Indrefjord
Reeds and lake on Western Lolland.
10 hectares. Acquired 1987.
Nakskov Indrefjord. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Gulstav Mose T
Marsh on Southern Langeland.
6.7 hectares. Acquired 1971 - 1976.
Gulstav Mose and the southern point of Langeland. DOF
Gulstav Mose. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Tryggelev-Nørreballe Nor T T
Lake, reeds, meadow and scrub on Southern Langeland.
182.5 hectares. Acquired 1975 - 2004.
In late summer and during the autumn, Tryggelev Nor, Salme Nor and Nørreballe Nor are frequented by thousands of ducks and shorebirds. Many birds breed at the sanctuary, including Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis), Bittern (Botaurus stellaris), and Garganey (Anas querquedula).
Tryggelev Nor. DOF
Tryggelev Nor. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations: Tryggelev Nor & Salme Nor, Nørreballe Nor. DOFbasen
Islet in Odense Fjord.
0.5 hectare. Acquired 1978.
No access.
Roholm. Fugleværnsfonden
Bøjden Nor T T
Salt meadow and brackish water cove on Southwestern Funen.
42.7 hectares. Managed since 1982.
Bøjden Nor. DOF
Bøjden Nor. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Søgård Mose T
Heather bog in Southern Jutland.
29.5 hectares. Acquired 1986 - 2019.
Søgård Mose. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Bremsbøl Sø T
Lake and meadows in Southern Jutland.
18.7 hectares. Acquired 2013 - 2016.
Tøndermarsken. DOF
Bremsbøl Sø. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Salt meadow on the Island of Rømø.
42.6 hectares. Acquired 1991 - 2014.
Rømø. DOF
Stormengene. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Sølsted Mose T
Heather bog in Southern Jutland.
102.7 hectares. Acquired 1993 - 2013.
Specialities include breeding Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis), Willow Tit (Parus montanus), and Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus).
Sølsted Mose. DOF
Sølsted Mose. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Stubbe Sø
Meadow, common fields, and wood at Stubbe Sø, Djursland.
23.4 hectares. Acquired 2002.
Map, Parking at Møllebækvej
Stubbe Sø. DOF
Stubbe Sø. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations: Stubbe Sø, the sanctuary. DOFbasen
Bøvling Klit
Salt meadow at Nissum Fjord in Western Jutland.
7.3 hectares. Acquired 1979 - 2016.
Bøvling Klit. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Agerø T
Salt meadow at the isle of Mors in Limfjorden, Northern Jutland.
27.4 hectares. Acquired 1982 - 2002.
Agerø is well-known for up to 4000 wintering Light-bellied Brent Geese (Branta bernicla hrota).
Agerø. DOF
Agerø. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations: Agerø, fugleskjulet, Stenklipperne. DOFbasen
Råbjerg Mose
Heather bog in Northern Jutland.
0.6 hectare. Acquired 1991.
Råbjerg Mose. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Forested gorge on Bornholm.
27.6 hectares. Acquired 2017.
Svartingedalen. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Wood in North Sjælland.
14.8 hectares. Acquired 2019.
Map, Parking at Rudolph Tegners Museum
Rusland. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations: Rusland, the sanctuary. DOFbasen
Karmark Engsø
Lake and meadows in Central Jutland.
45 hectares. Acquired 2023.
Karmark Engsø. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Stoubæk Krat
Scrub, meadows, lakes and wood in Western Jutland.
70.8 hectares. Acquired 2023.
Map, Parking at Rotvigvej
Stoubæk Krat. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen
Tindbæk Hestehave
Wood and meadows in Central Jutland.
42 hectares. Acquired 2024.
Map, Parking at Tindbækvej
Tindbæk Hestehave. Fugleværnsfonden
Description and observations. DOFbasen

Stig Linander, created: 1997-10-06, links checked: 2025-03-05, last revised: 2025-03-05
Source: Fugleværnsfonden's annual reports